
    Dying Passion

    The Request

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    Added 1 September 2011 user Iron Man

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    Lyrics The Request
    Lyrics The Request

    [S. Jel?nek, T. Braxatoris]
    Into the sea I want! Into the sea!
    I want to merge with the sea,
    With this stormy azure space!
    Into the sea I want! Into the sea!
    And ships float.
    They flow to shoreless horizons.
    Their white sails blow with sorrow.
    Let my life be severed
    Like a suddenly disappearing sail.
    Should the death come,
    Let her come.
    Let me shine like the flesh of light above the stormy space!
    Let me merge as a sail with the blue horizons!
    Into the sea I want! Into the sea!
    [Czech translation:]
    V mo?e chci, v mo?e!
    Chci splynout s mo?em
    S bou?n?m azurov?m prostorem!
    V mo?e chci, v mo?e!
    A lod? pluj?, pluj? k bezb?eh?m horizont?m,
    Jejich b?l? plachty se nadouvaj? smutkem.
    A? se m?j ?ivot p?erve,
    Tak jako nar?z zmiz? plachta.
    M?-li u? p?ij?t smrt, a? tedy p?ijde.
    A? jako paprsek sv?tla
    Problesknu nad bou?n?m prostorem!
    A? jako plachta splynu s modr?m obzorem!
    Splynout chci s mo?em!
    V mo?e chci, v mo?e!
    [ The Request Lyrics ]
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